Fiber-Optics Creating Lets Business Move Faster

Fiber-Optics Creating Lets Business Move Faster

Fiber-Optics Creating Lets Business Move Faster
What would you do if you had an impossibly slow connection speed to either the Internet or your in-house network? Granted, no infrastructure is the same, but you still need to ensure that your business can handle its workload with the cabling setup that you have. If you haven’t updated your business’s infrastructure in some time, you should consider the latest and greatest cabling technologies for your connection purposes.

Old-fashioned cables are great and all, but fiber-optic technologies and connections are enhancing the speed and reliability of the secure transmission of data. How is your business using fiber-optic technologies?

What Are Fiber-Optic Cables?
A fiber-optic cable is built using a glass fiber internal structure with an insulated casing that transfers data with light pulses. Basically, the light travels through the core of the cable and it’s bounced off of the glass strands, allowing for travel through bends in the cables. There are two different types of fiber-optic cables, both of which accomplish different tasks. Single-mode fibers use glass strands to generate the light, while multi-mode fiber-optic cables generate light through the use of LEDs. Data is transferred through the light.

How Fast Are Fiber-Optic Cables?
The Internet’s upgrade to broadband was a considerable benefit for just about all users, as it provided better speed and quality of service than ever before. Dial-up Internet was a major headache compared to the blistering speeds of modern-day technology. Of course, we never knew what we were missing out on until it was introduced, and compared to today’s broadband, fiber-optic cables might be the next big jump. Fiber-optic cables provide a similar benefit, only scaled to the needs of modern-day Internet users.

To give you an example of how much better fiber-optics improve Internet speeds, consider the 45-minute television episode. The standard 20mbps download speed will complete the task in about 1.5 minutes. A fiber-optic connection, however, completes it in 1.7 seconds–quite an improvement that can add up in the long run.

The Benefits
Faster speeds from fiber-optic cables are one thing, but there are several other benefits that you can keep in mind, too. Here they are:

  • Higher capacity: With more bandwidth to go around, your connection will be stronger than ever.
  • Higher signal strength: You won’t need any signal boosters, since light can travel a much greater speed and distance without losing strength.
  • More consistent: You won’t have to worry about interference from electrical appliances like your break room microwave.

You can count on Verve Networks to be there for any of your new technology implementations. To learn more, reach out to us at (209) 244-7120.