A third of all data loss is caused by problems with backups

A third of all data loss is caused by problems with backups

A third of all data loss is caused by problems with backups

Losing access to your business’s data – even temporarily – can feel like the stuff of nightmares. But, it’s not just a bad dream—data loss can cause real financial and operational damage. Fortunately, having the right backup and recovery tools in place can prevent a disaster.

How Backup Tools Work

Backup tools work by creating copies of your data and storing them in a safe place. That way, if something goes wrong—whether it’s accidental deletion, hardware failure, or a cyberattack—recovery tools can use those backups to restore your lost files.

If your business already has backup and recovery systems in place, you might think your data is safe. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.

Why Backup Tools Fail

A recent report has revealed a startling statistic: one-third of all data loss incidents are caused by backup-related issues. That means when people go to recover data, they often find that the backup is either corrupted or incomplete. This can be devastating in an emergency, especially when you’re counting on your backups to work.

It’s not just faulty backups that pose a threat. Today’s cyberattacks, especially ransomware, are more sophisticated than ever.

The Threat of Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malicious software (also known as malware) that encrypts your files and holds them hostage until a ransom is paid. What’s worse, half of the businesses that fall victim to ransomware end up paying the ransom to regain access to their data. You’d think having a backup would save the day, right? Unfortunately, many of these businesses still pay the ransom because it’s quicker than using their own recovery tools.

To make matters worse, paying the ransom doesn’t always work. Only a small percentage of businesses that pay actually recover all of their data.

Why Backup Tools Fail Against Ransomware

So, why are backups and recovery systems failing so many businesses? Often, it comes down to improper setup and a lack of regular maintenance. Backup systems need to be verified frequently to ensure they’re working as they should. But many companies don’t check their backups until it’s too late.

Additionally, older backup solutions simply aren’t equipped to handle modern, complex cyberattacks. They may not have the capacity to protect against the latest threats, leaving your business vulnerable.

Is your Data Really Backed Up?

Setting up and maintaining a dependable backup system can be complex, but it’s essential. This is where IT experts (like us!) come in. We ensure your tools are working correctly and that your data is being backed up properly every single day. But it’s important to know that, just because your backup system says your data was backed up properly, the only way to know for sure is to restore the backup itself and verify that you can actually safely recover the file. That’s why we do periodic test restores for every server we back up for our customers!

Your Next Steps

Your data is your business’s lifeblood and protecting it shouldn’t be left to chance. At Verve IT, we specialize in helping businesses like yours set up and manage reliable, modern backup systems that keep your data safe from threats like ransomware. Want to find out how we can help you?

Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can safeguard your business from data loss.

Verve IT - Managed IT Services for the Central Valley