PSA: Windows 10 Support Ends in One Year

PSA: Windows 10 Support Ends in One Year

PSA: Windows 10 Support Ends in One Year

You’re ready for the upgrade… what’s holding you back?

Did you know Windows 10 launched in July of 2015!? Yep, we’re approaching 10 years since Windows 10 debuted and, as with most Microsoft products, most versions of Windows 10 will end after that point. In Windows 10’s case, support will end on October 15, 2025.

So, what happens when Microsoft support ends for one of its products? For both business and consumers alike, the biggest issue is that Microsoft no longer releases software updates (patches) for it – including the Critical and Security updates that patch the riskiest bugs and vulnerabilities in the software. Unfortunately, many of the worst vulnerabilities in an operating system are only discovered after mainstream support ends, as hackers know that Microsoft will no longer patch the OS after this point. As a business, and especially as a regulated business such as healthcare, financial services, government, and retail subject to compliance frameworks like HIPAA, FINRA, and PCI, not regularly patching vulnerable systems is a critical concern. And, if you’re regulated, it could subject a business to significant fines. Ya gotta update your systems!

Most Businesses Can Upgrade, But… They Haven’t

According to research, 88% of businesses using Windows 10 are running on hardware that can handle the switch to Windows 11 without breaking a sweat. But despite the upgrade being free and relatively easy, a staggering 82% haven’t made the leap yet (ControlUp).

So, what gives? In a word: hesitation. Understandably, many business owners worry that upgrading could throw their entire operation into chaos, creating downtime and dealing with technical gremlins. But here’s the thing—those gremlins aren’t as scary as they seem. With a little help from the pros (that’s us!), you can dodge all that drama and be back to business in no time.

What’s Holding Businesses Back?

If your computer is ready, the upgrade is free, and the deadline is looming, what’s causing the hold-up? For many, it’s the fear of disrupting business operations. Upgrading systems can sound like a recipe for downtime, productivity loss, and the kind of tech troubles that keep you up at night.

But fear not! Upgrading doesn’t have to be a nightmare. With the right team (hi, that’s us again!), upgrading can be quick, smooth, and relatively pain-free. In fact, we’ll make sure it doesn’t disrupt your daily business at all.

Why Upgrade to Windows 11? Let’s Talk Benefits

Still not convinced? Let’s run through a few reasons why Windows 11 might just be your new best friend:

  • Stronger Security: Windows 11 comes with built-in security features that are a significant increase from Windows 10. From hardware-based isolation to encryption and phishing protection, it’s designed to fight today’s threats.
  • Improved Performance: If your computer’s running on newer hardware, Windows 11 will unlock better performance and speed. We’re talking faster load times, smoother multitasking, and fewer frustrating slowdowns.
  • Fresh Interface: Windows 11 has a sleek, user-friendly interface that’s been streamlined for better productivity. So instead of battling confusing menus, your team can focus on doing what they do best.

And did we mention? If your device meets the requirements, the upgrade is completely free. No fine print, no gotchas.

How We Make Upgrading Simple

We get it—upgrading can seem like a big task, but that’s where we come in. At Verve IT, we help businesses like yours move to Windows 11 without missing a beat. Our process includes:

  1. Prep Work: We review your hardware, check for compatibility, and create a tailored upgrade plan.
  2. Scheduling: We make sure your upgrade happens during downtime, so your team can keep working without interruptions.
  3. Support: We’re here to address any issues that may come up as a result of the transition.

Ready to Upgrade? Let’s Chat

With the deadline approaching and so many benefits waiting, it’s time to stop waiting for the “perfect” moment to upgrade. At Verve IT, we’ll make sure your transition to Windows 11 is smooth and stress-free. Let’s set up a call, and we’ll go over the details, answer your questions, and get you ready for the future—without disrupting your present.

Contact Us today, and let’s get started!

Verve IT - Managed IT Services for the Central Valley